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Our Facilities

Our Facilities

Malaysia Swiftlet’s Nest Culture
& Ecology Museum

Come Experience the Marvel of Swiftlets

Although the culture of eating bird’s nest has been around for centuries, there are many misconceptions on bird’s nest and its ‘maker’ among the general public. We have taken it upon ourselves to do the ‘creator’ of these prized delicacy some justice by dedicating a Museum to introduce the ‘creator’ and its valuable produce; bird’s nest.

Did you know that edible bird’s nests are made by Swiftlets and not by Swallows as what most perceived? Swiftlets are amazing creatures. They possess unique behaviours and is surprisingly very organised – they will only have one partner in their lifetime and they always return to the same spot in the house nest.

The 7,000 sq ft Swiftlet’s Nest Culture & Ecology Museum will take you through the culture and ecology of the Swiftlets. The whole experience will take you through a passage of time from when mankind first encountered bird’s nest to how the industry has grown till today. A walk-through of our processing plant is also a part of the experience. There, you’ll get to witness how we process raw unclean bird’s nests first-hand.

Our Facilities

Bird’s Nest Processing & Production Plant

Our bird’s nest processing and production plant is one of Southeast Asia’s large-scale processing and production plant. With a start-up capital of RM30 million, our processing and production plant is able to house up to 1,200 skilled workers to ensure the integrity of our product. Our plant is equipped to produce 48 tonnes of bird’s nest to meet the growing market demand.

As your trust is our priority, we are transparent in our production process. To ensure your safety, we take the extra steps in our processes by incorporating various certifications and standards. These certifications and standards include the Food Safety Law, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) Food Safety Management Standards, Malaysian Halal Certification (Sijil Pengesahan Halal), and Chinese Bird’s Nest Traceability Management Service Platform (CAIQ).

Bird’s Nest Education & Training Centre

Dato’ Chua Huai Gen often says, “It is not enough for us to be great alone, it is only enough when we are able to share the success and knowledge around.” In line with this, we want to cultivate more talents in the bird’s nest industry. As such, we have decided to provide courses to new hopefuls of the industry to guide them through the ins and outs of the production processes of bird’s nest. This is our way of giving back to the society, by teaching them all they need to know about producing safe, quality bird’s nest.

We provide vocational courses and practical experience training. With proper guidance and background, we are certain anyone can become successful within the industry. We hope to collectively grow, not just as individual companies, but as equals in growing the bird’s nest industry.

AsiaWalit Swiftlet Houses

The Swiftlets’ ecology has seen a tremendous change in the past years. From nesting in caves, more and more Swiftlets are nesting in modern houses. These houses are especially build to accommodate to the natural and nesting behaviours of Swiftlets. AsiaWalit owns a few of these houses and all of our houses are registered with the authorities.

Have any enquiries or need further assistance?

Contact our friendly product specialist and we are here to help!

AsiaWalit has been raising and exporting bird’s nests since 2004, with 18 years of experience. Currently, AsiaWalit owns 10 bird’s nest houses in Sabah and Makong, Malaysia, and has set up a bird’s nest processing plant in 2012, we are committed to ensure that every piece of bird’s nest is hand-picked by hand and is natural and pure!


5&7, Jalan Industri PBP 11, Taman Industri
Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47100 Puchong,
Selangor, Malaysia

Phone no: +60169988520
E-mail: [email protected] 

Makou - Bird's nest processing plant

No.113, Taman ACBE, 72100 Bahau,
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

Phone no: +60163311124
E-mail: [email protected]

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